Oh my eff gee; eff is for Facebook.

I was at a big family barbecue with Erica, my seven-year-old daughter, this past weekend. A couple of moments after we arrived at the farm for the barbecue, she had already run off to play with a few other kids her own age… including this one girl named Sarah. Sarah was probably three images shorter … Continue reading

The Scientist and fatherhood.

Coldplay, “The Scientist” My daughter is in Vancouver visiting family. When she was a baby, before CD singles had completely died out, I owned The Scientist and would play it for her when it was time for her to sleep; I would rock her in the dark, singing softly along as she drifted off. I … Continue reading

Of birthday cards.

Erica We could get him a card that says, “to Bobby, from Erica and Nicole.” Nicole Or, we could get him two cards. One that says, “to Bobby, from Nicole,” and one that says, “to Daddy, from Erica.” Erica Or we could get him one card…

How Erica pulled a Babe Ruth in Wii Bowling.

While my daughter and I playing were playing Wii Sports at the family house this past week, she picked up this bell in the living room and began to ring it fervently whenever certain achievements were made in the games. For example, she soon began to ring the bell anytime someone bowled a strike; at … Continue reading


And so began a venture to Canada’s Wonderland and the best way to wrap up a summer that was truly unlike any other.

Doesn’t stuff bother you?

I don’t really get this whole decade thing we’ve got going on. Sure, probably one of the classiest, most eloquent sentences I’ve ever written, right? But seriously, I’m not sure I can hold it in any longer. Though I think I’d prefer to say it ‘two thousand and ten’, I can see where people are … Continue reading

  • About

    My name is Bobby.

    I write about random things a lot. I write a lot about random things.

    I write occasionally for Smashing Magazine and the London Community News online, and weekly for Interrobang, the student voice newspaper at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario.

    I've also been published by the Canadian University Press.
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