My daughter the lifesaver.

Erica broke my heart today. We had just come in from climbing trees outside when I got to speak to Nicole, calling me for a few minutes break in her busy schedule in Alberta. The distance has been a terrible strain on me, and when I had to say goodbye and hung up, I began to tear up in spite of myself.

Erica came over to me, embracing and consoling me. “Put away those tears,” she said. I explained to her that I missed Nicole a lot, and apologize for being sad. “I know,” she replied. “I miss Nicole, too. But she’s singing.”

“I know, sweetheart. I’m sorry for being sad,” I told her. “But thank you for making me feel better.”

“When you’re sad, I always make you feel better.”

I told her I would try not to be sad anymore, but I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t know how.

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  • About

    My name is Bobby.

    I write about random things a lot. I write a lot about random things.

    I write occasionally for Smashing Magazine and the London Community News online, and weekly for Interrobang, the student voice newspaper at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario.

    I've also been published by the Canadian University Press.
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