Of dreams.

I was standing in a checkout line at a Wal-mart tonight with a friend, and I began flipping through a pocket reference book – a dictionary, as it were – about dream interpretation. For the most part, it was all extremely straightforward, with nothing particularly interesting about it… and then I caught this one bit, which sadly I can only partly recall. It went something like:

Website 1. If you dream about a website, pay close attention to what the website is about. It could be that you’re trying to tell yourself a message about something important, a thing you must do or a place you must go. 2. Dreaming about a website could represent an image that you want to project to others, whether it is true or not.

If you dream about this website, friends, know that you’re trying to send yourself a message. And that message is, “you’re awesome.”

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  • About

    My name is Bobby.

    I write about random things a lot. I write a lot about random things.

    I write occasionally for Smashing Magazine and the London Community News online, and weekly for Interrobang, the student voice newspaper at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario.

    I've also been published by the Canadian University Press.
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